Your Optical Filter Partner

We are proud to announce the new logo as part of the ongoing evolution of our companys brand.

The new logo

799420 新logo

       The new logo demonstrate that :

Optolong is located in Kunming city Yunnan province China. Yunnan is famous for various and changeable cloud. All the Chinese people call Yunnan province the colorful one.

Optolongs business is composed of two parts: fluorescence detection filters and astronomy observing filters.

Fluorescence detection filters are involved in the exitation filters and emission filters OEM from spectrum UV to NIR.

Astronomy observing filter or photography astronomy filters function is to transmit the emission of nebula and block the light pollution which is caused by Man-made mercury lamp.

The new logo expresses a good wish that is to develop and grow with the core technical advantage of optical coating. Meanwhile, fluorescence detection filters and astronomy observing filters business move forward and further with OPTOLONG brand.

In the upcoming months, we would update all the marketing literature and new presence with the new logo.During this period, old logo and new logo would be effective at the same time.