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FISH Orange 曲线图

Filter Type FISH Filter Set
Coating Type Hard Coated
Part Number FISH Orange
Individual Filter  Excitation Filter  Emission Filter  Dichroic Mirror
30033 30033 30033
CWL/FWHM 543/21nm 592/25m 567nm
Angle of Incidence 0±5°  0±5°  45°
Transmission >80%  >80%  >90%
Size(mounted) Ø25mm x 5mm Ø25mm x 3.5mm 25mm x 36mm x 1.05mm
Wavelength Tolerance ±3nm
Blocking OD>5
Scratch-Dig 60-40
Substrate Fused Silica, B270
Compatible Microscopes Most common Nikon, Olympus, and Zeiss Microscopes
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