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2015 new Yulong Optics products manual(Jun.1,2015)

Ylong Optics

2015 Yulong Optics products manual is based on the reorientation for products, highlighting shows three main core products: astronomical filters, fluorescence filter, customised bandpass filter,this version of products manual also contain  Yulong optical filter for specific applications and more ways to order.It's not only provides you with a variety of optical filter solution, is as a practical and reliable optical filter handbook for your reference.

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The 11th Street Astronomical Night(Apr.4,2015)

马路天文夜mmexport1428284692936On April 4, 2015, the 11th street astronomical night  held in Green Lake of Kunming, sponsored by the amateur astronomers association of yunnan province, OPTOLONG as the trustee of the amateur astronomers association sponsors this activity.Yunnan amateur astronomers association set the most heavyweight astronomical telescope - caliber 40 centimeters "mobile" observatory for public viewing "red moon", there are about 2000 people around here.

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Messier Marathon Trip to Make Track for Stars(Mar.21,2015)

宣传On March 21, 2015, Llijiang Gaomeigu of Yunnan,stargazers from Taiwan, Beijing and yunnan gathered here, engaged in a stars chasing journey racing to the time - messier marathon communication meeting.In astronomical circle, there is a love, even travelling mountains, even stay up late, as long as able to chase the stars footprint, fans willing to trials and hardships.OPTOLONG astrophile team is such enthusiasts, they do enough preparation for the seminar, took OPTOLONG OIII filter, UHC filter, H - Beta filters, built-in filter equipment, as well as a variety of stargazing well-equipped with messier's marathon.

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